About this website

By the grace of God I have made it to more than three score years and ten. I am married to Carol and we have six children and nine grandchildren. 

I have had an eclectic church experience which I count of huge value. I was not brought up in a believing Christian family but was converted to Christ at 17 (I like to joke that I was the white sheep of the family).

I have variously been part of an Independent Evangelical Church, a charismatic Baptist Church and a Licensed Reader in the Church of England. I spent twenty years with my family living in a Christian Community. This was probably my most formative maturing experience as a Christian and leader. A special love for the bible began after I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit when I was 19 years old.  

I hope you can find benefit in the resources here as they develop and are collated. On my wife's advice I will use the text of the New International Version (UK) in bible quotes. I am including the full bible text in all sections. This will enable you to get most value from it as you can engage with the bible even if you do not have one to hand. Of course if you prefer to read the bible references in your own version that is fine.

This website is a free resource both for the Church and for those who for whatever reason are not able to join in church life. Do feel free to recommend it to others if you think they would find it useful.

Peter, July 2021